I guess I haven't updated this thing all summer (well at least since our first day on our honeymoon). The honeymoon was great, we got a lot of beach time in and we were able to act like big kids at Universal Studios. The rest of the summer was spent (for me) working at LA Fitness until I quit in July, getting my room ready for school, and just being a lazy bum.
To update as of now. School started on August 14th and it has been pretty eventful. I have been pushing myself to be a better teacher than last year, which seems to be my goal every year. The students are pretty good; I can't really complain since I have a few shining stars already. I miss my kids from last year, but I was able to surprise them on their first day of high school. A bunch of the eighth grade teachers from last year along with our principals gathered together in front of their main entrance and surpised them when they got off the bus. Most were so nervous but so greatful to see some of their old teachers...who am I kidding, they were ecstatic!!!!
All has been rolling along fine in the year until this week. I started having some upper abdomenal pains on Saturday and I decided to call a doctor on Monday when the pain didn't go away. I did not have a primary health physician at the time so I had to just find one through my insurance company. Well I went to my appointment on Wednesday and my doctor was starting to get a little nervous when he found out that my blood pressure was 150 over 90...apparently at my age I shouldn't be higher than 130 over 80 at the most. My doctor proceeds to leave my stomach pains, the main reason for my visit, as a secondary concern and decides that he needs to figure out why my heart rate and blood pressure were so high. He ends up giving me an EKG which is where they stick stickers all over your chest, on your arms, and legs to do a quick heart monitor. He said that the results seem fine but that I seemed to have an extra beat every now and then which may mean that my heart will be working harder at this age and the could mean that it may struggle when I am older.
After this, he schedules me for an upper abdomenal ultrasound to make sure that I don't have any gallbladder stones or anything in my gallbladder that shouldn't be there. I have the ultrasound on Tuesday so stay tuned. Well moving along....My doctor also wanted to take some blood to see why my blood pressure was so high (he thought it may be my birth control that was causing this high blood pressure problem). Well this was the very FIRST time that I have given blood in my life. You could say I was a little bit nervous (nervous enough that a nice older nurse had to hold and hand so I wouldn't flinch, which I didn't). I survived that and my next day wasn't any better.
During my first block class, my husband Josh calls me and tells me that our alarm company called and it seems that someone may have broken into our house. Lucky for me, I had my student teacher with me there today and the students were only doing a writer's workshop. I called the Avon police department to see if anyone had been to my house and they said that a police officer went there after a call about a living room motion detector being set off, and it ended up being a false alarm. Good news, but we still got a warning since they had to come out and there was no burglar. Still don't know what set if off, but nothing is missing.
Then during my last block I get a call from my doctor's office and my blood test results were in.
Good news was that my blood sugar was good and I was worried about that but they found out that I had hyperthyroidism and now need to see an endocologist (spelling is wrong, I would be lucky if I could even say it right). So that would make my 5th doctor's appointment in the months of September (including the lady doctor appointment I had scheduled this summer) all during school hours.
I will keep you updated on how all of those go. Wish me lucky that my stomach pain is just acid reflux. I can't get anymore bad news about my health right now :(
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wedding Day...Down....Honeymoon underway

Josh and I

Josh and I have been officially married now for 4 days. Currently I am sitting at a desk watching the new 90210 in our hotel room in Macon, GA on our way to our honeymoon spot in Safety Harbor, FL. The wedding came together pretty wonderfully. It is nice to see all my hard work come together in the end. It has been exciting to see everyones pictures from the wedding and I will be really excited to see the photographer's pictures as well. The ceremony went well, which is good because our rehersal was a bit of a mess. While walking down the aisle I was so excited to see all the guests who I haven't seen in a while, that halfway down the aisle I was like....OMG Josh is standing in the front waiting for me. My good friend Lindsay did an AMAZING job singing as did Christina who was reading a poem from William Shakespeare (such an English teacher).
We took pictures in the beautiful area outside after the ceremony. Since I grew up in the area, when it was an active base and my dad was in the military, I always wanted to get married in the gazebo nearby. I was glad to not get married there, but it was really nice to get some pictures in the gazebo and in front of the bridge. While we were taking pictures, our photographer wanted us to get underneath the willow tree. It was a little muddy so Josh carried me piggy back in my huge dress. While carrying me his foot fell into this HUGE mud hole, and his pants and shoe were soaked in mud! Luckily he didn't drop me, and the picture was well worth it because the shot was beautiful.
The reception was great, the food was wonderful. I wish I hadn't been so nervous because I didn't eat as much as I wanted to. My back was killing me at the end of the night, probably due to the weight of my dress and my shoes. But overall the night was wonderful!!!
The day after the wedding, we held a brunch at the house. We got some really cool gifts and I use my new Magic Bullet to make everyone salsa. Later Josh and I made our first public married couple outing at the Hendricks County Rib Fest. It was pretty awesome. The day after we went and saw Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen at the IMAX in Noblesville. I do like the first movie a little more than the second, but it was still entertaining.
Today, Tuesday, we embarked on our honeymoon journey. Our final destination is the Clearwater/ St. Petersburg area of Florida. I'm pretty excited. We will be getting some free spa treatments with our package and free breakfast and dinner every day. Today we were able to see some awesome landscape on our drive and the only stressful part of our trip was driving through Atlanta traffic, where we some someone driving and drinking from a flask (probably not a good idea).
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
10 days......

My wedding is so close, I can't even believe it! Josh and I will be Mr. and Mrs. Petrie in 10 days. Time really sneaks up on you. I was a little stressed over money yesterday, due to a security deposit that I forgot about, but things have settled down since my little freak out. Last weekend my sister hosted my Bridal Shower at Brookside park. It was outside on the terrace and lucky for us the weather was beautiful and hot. We played Bridal Bingo and everyone got to scrapbook a page for me so I could scrapbook the shower. I got a lot of neat presents like: a sandwich maker, a toaster, a griddle, a steamer (which I will really need on the day of the wedding), some games and some kitchen accessories.
This past weekend I had my Bachelorette Party. It was loads of fun. We first started the evening in our hotel room playing a game where they had to answer questions about me and we played a round of family fued. We then hiked like 2 miles in heels to the restaurant forty-five degrees. It was worth the walk though. Everyone was in love with the food and sushi and atmosphere there was great. Afterwards, we decided to hike to the bars and took a break at Barcelona Tapas to split a neverending pitcher of Sangria. After that we lost three members of the party and were left with only four people to go clubbing with. We went to Subterra downtown but only stayed out for like an hour dancing. It was fun though other then the CRAZY drunk bachelorette at Subterra who was grinding on the nastiest men I had ever seen!!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Year Two....Down
With my English partner and BFF at school Christina Scarsella
Watching the last bus drive away
Bye everyone....
Well I have finally completed my second year of teaching. This year went much more smoothly than the last year. I feel that when the last week came....it really didn't feel like the year needed to be over. Like every year though, all the teachers got to walk their kids out to the buses and send them off the right way. I haven't done a whole lot this break yet. I got some lunch with my friend Lori and kind of caught up with her. Then my good friend Lindsay and her adorable daughter Molly came over for swimming and shopping this weekend. Yesterday I had my trial run for my wedding hair. It looks super cute, but my curl didn't hold for very long, so I need to make sure that my hairdresser works on that a little bit.
Since the summer is now among us...I have been changing my focus to all things wedding. I don't have a whole lot left to do. Josh and I just have to pay the rest of our vendors and our reception hall, order wedding gifts, make the programs, and order flower petals and floating candles for the centerpieces. I will try to go to the flower factory soon and if I can find some good deals I may change some things around. I also will be working on a seating chart (most of which is done, just waiting for the last of the RSVP cards to come back) and I will be scrapbooking place cards, which I may do today. This upcoming weekend is my bridal shower and then next week is the bachelorette party. But that is all so far! Hope everyone else is having a good summer and I hope to see you all at the wedding.
Since the summer is now among us...I have been changing my focus to all things wedding. I don't have a whole lot left to do. Josh and I just have to pay the rest of our vendors and our reception hall, order wedding gifts, make the programs, and order flower petals and floating candles for the centerpieces. I will try to go to the flower factory soon and if I can find some good deals I may change some things around. I also will be working on a seating chart (most of which is done, just waiting for the last of the RSVP cards to come back) and I will be scrapbooking place cards, which I may do today. This upcoming weekend is my bridal shower and then next week is the bachelorette party. But that is all so far! Hope everyone else is having a good summer and I hope to see you all at the wedding.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Short Update
Things have been very busy for me in these last couple of months. I feel like it has been forever since I last updated, and I'm not really sure where to start. Wedding plans have been going smoothly...but wedding expenses have not followed suit. It is very stressful now that we only have two more months left and lots of money left to pay. But I know that everything will work out fine in the end. I get my wedding dress back next Wednesday and it will be very exciting to see how it fits once all the alterations are done. Josh booked our "after-wedding vacation". I hesitate to call it a honeymoon because I would like to go to Sandals in Antigua or Hawaii but we won't be able to for a while. But hey...maybe we will just have two honeymoons. As of yet, we will be in St. Petersburg for a week. I'll be happy as long as there is a beach to go to.
I have also been trying to lose a few pounds before the wedding. It helps that I had crazy food poisoning last week that had me expelling everything I ate. I lost about five pounds but once I started eating solid foods again....I gained most of it back. Now that I am better though, I am able to get back in the gym and work out and that has been great. Last night I did a two hour workout...first with my favorite kickboxing class and then with a boxing circuit. I really want to get my own boxing gloves and punchign bag now. Since I am working at the gym now, I try to make myself workout when my shift is done....there really shouldn't be an excuse since I'm already at the gym.
School is rapidly approaching its end. I'm a little sad because I have been teaching these kids for two years now....but I'm also pretty excited because some of them have just given up in this last month and it is very frustrating trying to motivate students who have quit before they even walk in the building.
On another note....I started writing again. I would really like to try to write a book and get it published. It will be a compilation of short stories that are exaggerated tales of teaching, college and wedding planning/relationships. I like what I have accomplished so far...but I'm sure it will be very time consuming and with two jobs and a wedding to plan...it is likely that I won't be done for a while. Well I think I have covered most of my bases. I hope everyone has a GREAT DAY!
I have also been trying to lose a few pounds before the wedding. It helps that I had crazy food poisoning last week that had me expelling everything I ate. I lost about five pounds but once I started eating solid foods again....I gained most of it back. Now that I am better though, I am able to get back in the gym and work out and that has been great. Last night I did a two hour workout...first with my favorite kickboxing class and then with a boxing circuit. I really want to get my own boxing gloves and punchign bag now. Since I am working at the gym now, I try to make myself workout when my shift is done....there really shouldn't be an excuse since I'm already at the gym.
School is rapidly approaching its end. I'm a little sad because I have been teaching these kids for two years now....but I'm also pretty excited because some of them have just given up in this last month and it is very frustrating trying to motivate students who have quit before they even walk in the building.
On another note....I started writing again. I would really like to try to write a book and get it published. It will be a compilation of short stories that are exaggerated tales of teaching, college and wedding planning/relationships. I like what I have accomplished so far...but I'm sure it will be very time consuming and with two jobs and a wedding to plan...it is likely that I won't be done for a while. Well I think I have covered most of my bases. I hope everyone has a GREAT DAY!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Changes Changes Are SO Fun!
So unlike many struggling in our economy, I have decided to get married in the year our nation goes broke. Josh and I have been doing well on paying for this wedding on our own, without the help of our folks, but I have to admit that I am terrified that two weeks before the wedding, we may not be able to pay for everything we need to pay for. With that in mind I have been flirting with many different ideas: forcing my future husband to donate plasma (I still am not against this idea, as I will not do it myself due to the fact that I have never even had blood taken) or get another job. Now there is enough that I have to worry about this year with doing my teaching portfolio and planning my wedding, but I decided this morning that I should get another job. I was thinking of places where I could apply today and decided on LA Fitness and Target. I figured since the LA Fitness here is fairly new they would still be hiring and it would be nice to have a free gym membership, so that I can work out before the wedding. And who wouldn't want a discount at Target?
So afterschool I went straight over to LA Fitness to get an application. They had me go ahead and fill out an application there and once they were finished I got an immediate interview. They interview was very short but ended with an "I'm going to go ahead and hire you". I'm pretty excited, and will be starting in the next couple of weeks. I'll be working in the kids zone so it will be a lot like my real job, but with younger kids.
Although this is a little late, Josh, Lindsey, Elliott and I went to St. Louis for Valentine's Day weekend. Lindsey and I decided that our Christmas gift to each other this year would be to go on a vacation together, so this was it. As soon as we got there we decided to head to the casino. The first casino we went to was not the most pleasant. Lindsey and I were not having much luck there either, which could be the cause of my ill-feelings towards it. After we both lost our twenty bucks there, we somehow decided that we would go to the brand new casino across the street. My luck suddenly changed. I bet $5 in the slot machine and let with and extra $45. I decided to cash out right after that. Better to be a winner than regret it all...I don't think I would be very interesting on Deal or No Deal. That night we went out to each at this cute corner bistro. My food was not the best, but the guys really liked their steaks. The next day, we went to the Science Museum and on a tour of the Brewery. Both were entertaining, but getting a free tour of the beer factory was awesome, especially since we got free beer at the end. It was a great trip.
With a spaceship at the Science Center
After the tour of the brewery
The view from Josh and I's hotel room
Linds and Elliot on the trolly
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Bridesmaids Dress Shopping
Lindsey, my bestest friend and MOH
Things for the wedding are coming along swimmingly! I took my bridesmaids out two or three weeks ago and they picked out their dresses. I should be getting my dress altered sometime in March. I started addressing invitations already and plan to get them out in April. This Sunday I will be meeting with a possible florist and see what he has to offer for the wedding. I am still without DJ, and I should probably get a move on with that! I'll post the pictures of eveyone's dress selections, none of which are the right color!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Snow Days....Really?
Only picture I got of the both of us...it's hard taking a picture with gloves on
It is difficult to imagine that my school district actually had two snow days this week. On Wednesday, Josh had work off as well so we began our morning by playing in the snow with Sebastian. It was a lot of fun including snow angels and snow ball fights! The rest of the day was spent shoveling the driveway and watching movies. I was a little more productive today, and I cleaned the house and spent a couple of hours working out. I still need to work on my portfolio, but I still have like 4 or more hours before I go to sleep.
For a quick wedding update: I received my wedding invites in the mail. They came from the People's Republic of China. I will post pics below. Also this weekend I will be going to David's Bridal with the bridesmaids to look at bridesmaid dresses and watch Bride Wars. My co-worker also gave me these super cute table number holders that I will be utilizing. And....I think that is all I have for wedding updates....Enjoy the pictures from my days off!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Back in the Groove!
This will hopefully be a short blog...but who knows with me.
Today was Inauguration Day. My school was nice enough to allow us to watch footage all day with the kids if we wanted to. We did a lot of presidential activities and did watch the Inauguration and I think it was very educational for the kids. I was pretty excited about today. I have been a large supporter of Barack Obama since I saw him speak at the Democratic convention for the Kerry campaign. I'm pretty excited to see how things will change throughout his presidency. I just hope he leave behind a legacy and really accomplishes what he has set out to do.
Apart from the new President of the United States, this year has been going well thus far. I have planned a little more for the wedding. I should be getting the wedding invitations in a couple of weeks. They were a steal! I think they are pretty gorgeous and so CHEAP, which makes things so much better. I guess we will see what I get when the invites arrive, but I'm pretty excited about them. My wedding dress arrived over break...it came in two weeks (CRAZY!). It is hanging in the closet in the guest room now. Every now and then I like to go in there look at it...and kiss the packaging! I've only tried it on twice since I got it, so I'm doing pretty well! I found a florist during the bridal show this past weekend. She is super sweet and I will be meeting with her soon to see what she can do. I'm still in need of a DJ, but I'm sure I'll find one soon. I don't know if I mentioned that I found a photographer before but I did: Larry Gindhart. My awesome coworkers have really been helping out. Pepelea really got me excited today when she showed me these table card holders that are shaped like a bride and groom's torso. I told her....I'll use it! I think that is all I have to update for now. I can't believe I'm getting married in a little more than 5 MONTHS! Crazy. I'll try to update more...now...off to the restroom. Oh by the way....lost 3.5lbs so far for the year 2009!
Today was Inauguration Day. My school was nice enough to allow us to watch footage all day with the kids if we wanted to. We did a lot of presidential activities and did watch the Inauguration and I think it was very educational for the kids. I was pretty excited about today. I have been a large supporter of Barack Obama since I saw him speak at the Democratic convention for the Kerry campaign. I'm pretty excited to see how things will change throughout his presidency. I just hope he leave behind a legacy and really accomplishes what he has set out to do.
Apart from the new President of the United States, this year has been going well thus far. I have planned a little more for the wedding. I should be getting the wedding invitations in a couple of weeks. They were a steal! I think they are pretty gorgeous and so CHEAP, which makes things so much better. I guess we will see what I get when the invites arrive, but I'm pretty excited about them. My wedding dress arrived over break...it came in two weeks (CRAZY!). It is hanging in the closet in the guest room now. Every now and then I like to go in there look at it...and kiss the packaging! I've only tried it on twice since I got it, so I'm doing pretty well! I found a florist during the bridal show this past weekend. She is super sweet and I will be meeting with her soon to see what she can do. I'm still in need of a DJ, but I'm sure I'll find one soon. I don't know if I mentioned that I found a photographer before but I did: Larry Gindhart. My awesome coworkers have really been helping out. Pepelea really got me excited today when she showed me these table card holders that are shaped like a bride and groom's torso. I told her....I'll use it! I think that is all I have to update for now. I can't believe I'm getting married in a little more than 5 MONTHS! Crazy. I'll try to update more...now...off to the restroom. Oh by the way....lost 3.5lbs so far for the year 2009!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A New Year: 2009

It is amazing to look back at 2008 and realize that it has passed so quickly. I was looking through my scrapbook for the year the other day and realized that Josh and I went to French Lick and Florida this year. It all seems so far away now. I thought that 2008 was a great year (minus financial woes). I bought a new house, I got engaged, and we went on some nice vacations.
Next year I have made a few resolutions. The first is the resolution I make every year....which is to lose weight. In 2008 I managed to gain about 10 lbs but this year I feel that things will go better. I have started my Jorge Cruise diet which really inspires me to do better and workout and eat right. I also want to make sure that I am reading more this year, so about a book a month. I want to spend a little less money than I'm spending now, and I just want to make sure I create lots of good memories this year.
A couple of weeks ago, Josh and I had our Engagement/ House-Warming/ Christmas party at the house. We had a lot of people show up and it was a lot of fun. I have finally gotten the house totally cleaned up since the party, but it was really worth it. There were a lot of good laughs and good company. I will leave you all with some pictures of the Party! I hope you enjoy them!
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