So unlike many struggling in our economy, I have decided to get married in the year our nation goes broke. Josh and I have been doing well on paying for this wedding on our own, without the help of our folks, but I have to admit that I am terrified that two weeks before the wedding, we may not be able to pay for everything we need to pay for. With that in mind I have been flirting with many different ideas: forcing my future husband to donate plasma (I still am not against this idea, as I will not do it myself due to the fact that I have never even had blood taken) or get another job. Now there is enough that I have to worry about this year with doing my teaching portfolio and planning my wedding, but I decided this morning that I should get another job. I was thinking of places where I could apply today and decided on LA Fitness and Target. I figured since the LA Fitness here is fairly new they would still be hiring and it would be nice to have a free gym membership, so that I can work out before the wedding. And who wouldn't want a discount at Target?
So afterschool I went straight over to LA Fitness to get an application. They had me go ahead and fill out an application there and once they were finished I got an immediate interview. They interview was very short but ended with an "I'm going to go ahead and hire you". I'm pretty excited, and will be starting in the next couple of weeks. I'll be working in the kids zone so it will be a lot like my real job, but with younger kids.
Although this is a little late, Josh, Lindsey, Elliott and I went to St. Louis for Valentine's Day weekend. Lindsey and I decided that our Christmas gift to each other this year would be to go on a vacation together, so this was it. As soon as we got there we decided to head to the casino. The first casino we went to was not the most pleasant. Lindsey and I were not having much luck there either, which could be the cause of my ill-feelings towards it. After we both lost our twenty bucks there, we somehow decided that we would go to the brand new casino across the street. My luck suddenly changed. I bet $5 in the slot machine and let with and extra $45. I decided to cash out right after that. Better to be a winner than regret it all...I don't think I would be very interesting on Deal or No Deal. That night we went out to each at this cute corner bistro. My food was not the best, but the guys really liked their steaks. The next day, we went to the Science Museum and on a tour of the Brewery. Both were entertaining, but getting a free tour of the beer factory was awesome, especially since we got free beer at the end. It was a great trip.
With a spaceship at the Science Center
After the tour of the brewery
The view from Josh and I's hotel room
Linds and Elliot on the trolly
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