My wedding is so close, I can't even believe it! Josh and I will be Mr. and Mrs. Petrie in 10 days. Time really sneaks up on you. I was a little stressed over money yesterday, due to a security deposit that I forgot about, but things have settled down since my little freak out. Last weekend my sister hosted my Bridal Shower at Brookside park. It was outside on the terrace and lucky for us the weather was beautiful and hot. We played Bridal Bingo and everyone got to scrapbook a page for me so I could scrapbook the shower. I got a lot of neat presents like: a sandwich maker, a toaster, a griddle, a steamer (which I will really need on the day of the wedding), some games and some kitchen accessories.
This past weekend I had my Bachelorette Party. It was loads of fun. We first started the evening in our hotel room playing a game where they had to answer questions about me and we played a round of family fued. We then hiked like 2 miles in heels to the restaurant forty-five degrees. It was worth the walk though. Everyone was in love with the food and sushi and atmosphere there was great. Afterwards, we decided to hike to the bars and took a break at Barcelona Tapas to split a neverending pitcher of Sangria. After that we lost three members of the party and were left with only four people to go clubbing with. We went to Subterra downtown but only stayed out for like an hour dancing. It was fun though other then the CRAZY drunk bachelorette at Subterra who was grinding on the nastiest men I had ever seen!!!!
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