Josh and I

Josh and I have been officially married now for 4 days. Currently I am sitting at a desk watching the new 90210 in our hotel room in Macon, GA on our way to our honeymoon spot in Safety Harbor, FL. The wedding came together pretty wonderfully. It is nice to see all my hard work come together in the end. It has been exciting to see everyones pictures from the wedding and I will be really excited to see the photographer's pictures as well. The ceremony went well, which is good because our rehersal was a bit of a mess. While walking down the aisle I was so excited to see all the guests who I haven't seen in a while, that halfway down the aisle I was like....OMG Josh is standing in the front waiting for me. My good friend Lindsay did an AMAZING job singing as did Christina who was reading a poem from William Shakespeare (such an English teacher).
We took pictures in the beautiful area outside after the ceremony. Since I grew up in the area, when it was an active base and my dad was in the military, I always wanted to get married in the gazebo nearby. I was glad to not get married there, but it was really nice to get some pictures in the gazebo and in front of the bridge. While we were taking pictures, our photographer wanted us to get underneath the willow tree. It was a little muddy so Josh carried me piggy back in my huge dress. While carrying me his foot fell into this HUGE mud hole, and his pants and shoe were soaked in mud! Luckily he didn't drop me, and the picture was well worth it because the shot was beautiful.
The reception was great, the food was wonderful. I wish I hadn't been so nervous because I didn't eat as much as I wanted to. My back was killing me at the end of the night, probably due to the weight of my dress and my shoes. But overall the night was wonderful!!!
The day after the wedding, we held a brunch at the house. We got some really cool gifts and I use my new Magic Bullet to make everyone salsa. Later Josh and I made our first public married couple outing at the Hendricks County Rib Fest. It was pretty awesome. The day after we went and saw Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen at the IMAX in Noblesville. I do like the first movie a little more than the second, but it was still entertaining.
Today, Tuesday, we embarked on our honeymoon journey. Our final destination is the Clearwater/ St. Petersburg area of Florida. I'm pretty excited. We will be getting some free spa treatments with our package and free breakfast and dinner every day. Today we were able to see some awesome landscape on our drive and the only stressful part of our trip was driving through Atlanta traffic, where we some someone driving and drinking from a flask (probably not a good idea).