Only picture I got of the both of's hard taking a picture with gloves on
It is difficult to imagine that my school district actually had two snow days this week. On Wednesday, Josh had work off as well so we began our morning by playing in the snow with Sebastian. It was a lot of fun including snow angels and snow ball fights! The rest of the day was spent shoveling the driveway and watching movies. I was a little more productive today, and I cleaned the house and spent a couple of hours working out. I still need to work on my portfolio, but I still have like 4 or more hours before I go to sleep.
For a quick wedding update: I received my wedding invites in the mail. They came from the People's Republic of China. I will post pics below. Also this weekend I will be going to David's Bridal with the bridesmaids to look at bridesmaid dresses and watch Bride Wars. My co-worker also gave me these super cute table number holders that I will be utilizing. And....I think that is all I have for wedding updates....Enjoy the pictures from my days off!